Fast, secure money transfers from your bank account to theirs. 150+ countries with 20+ currencies for less with no hidden fees.
Tell us the amount and currency you will transfer in to be exchanged - see accepted currencies.
Fill in the banks details for new recipients or select a saved recipient.
Tell us how you will transfer in your money to be exchanged.
Once you transfer in money to your account, we will exchange it at rates up to 5x cheaper than the banks and transfer out to your recipient without delay.
Send and receive money to and from 150+ countries in 20+ currencies.
Get same-day transfers on most major currencies.
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Authorised as a payments institution with a 10-year track record of providing best-in-class service for quick, low-cost money transfers.
If you’re not ready to exchange immediately, set up a rate alert so you never miss out on great savings again.
to date!Our competitive exchange rates means more money in your pocket.
Sinead Diver had a full-time job and two children before she ran her first competitive marathon. And now she's heading to her second Olympic Games in Paris.
Doing things differently is Sinead’s advantage. And by using CurrencyFair – <strong>it can be yours too</strong>.
Refer friends to CurrencyFair and you could earn S$80 each.
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Access bank-beating FX rates, low-cost international transfers, and first-class customer support.